Hands on Technology: Designing an Interactive Workshop or Lecture for Zoom


Location: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/91638377026?pwd=Q0JBbEhsZ2o3M212MDRwdXhXRzZWZz09

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As students and faculty increasingly experience what is now known as “Zoom fatigue”, it has becoming increasingly challenging to engage students so that they reach a greater depth of knowledge level. Planning for engagement in synchronous discussions and lectures is the first step. In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn how to plan ahead for interactive questions, breakout sessions, and integration of interactive tools like Zoom polls and Socrative. Participants will be given the opportunity to begin planning their own workshop with resources provided by the presenter.

Who Should Attend: Faculty, Grad Students, or anybody who would like tips and tricks about interactive workshops

Objectives for Learning:

After completing this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Plan effectively for an interactive workshop
  • Prepare the materials and Zoom learning environment for interactivity
  • List 2-3 ways to add interactivity to a presentation or lecture
  • Explain the importance of test driving the tech
  • Describe 2-3 ways to monitor engagement during a session


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