Facilitating Intercultural Learning Cohort Program

In the fall 2022 semester, the Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures is partnering with True North Intercultural, LLC to run a private cohort of Facilitating Intercultural Learning for ND staff and faculty. Dr. Tara Harvey will lead our cohort through 9 modules over 12 weeks to not only develop their own intercultural competence, but support them in their goals to help develop intercultural competence in the Notre Dame community and students that they serve. Participation is funded by the CSLC but space is limited. To learn more about the program and how to apply, please see the following details.

What to Expect

The cohort will be meeting online (virtually) and take advantage of learning through group discussions, online trainings, and engaging activities that are applicable to the context they're working within. Each member of the cohort will also take the Intercultural Development Inventory to understand their own results and goals. Upon conclusion of the program, participants will have continued access to the online course and resources for one year.

Participants that take advantage of this opportunity can anticipate:

  • Becoming familiar with important intercultural communication frameworks, concepts, and theories to help understand similarities and differences across cultures.
  • Understanding and applying the best pedagogical practices in intercultural and experiential learning to facilitate deeper, more transformational learning.
  • Developing a plan for immediate application to incorporate intercultural learning into their work with students, colleagues, or other learners.
  • Deepening their own self-awareness and understanding of their unique ways of making meaning in the world.

A full list of outcomes is available on the True North Intercultural website.

How to Apply

The fall 2022 cohort will meet weekly on Thursdays at 3:30 until 5:00pm Eastern Time. Applicants to the program should make every effort to attend all meetings in order to make the most of the program and achieve their intercultural learning and facilitation goals. Note that approximately every 3 weeks there is a non-meeting/implementation week and there will be no call during the Mid-Term Break. A detailed calendar can be downloaded here.

Interested faculty and staff should send a brief expression of interest to Alessia Blad-Miller (ablad@nd.edu) and Mary Davis (mdavis35@nd.edu), the Director and Assistant Director of the CSLC before Thursday, July 7 for consideration. Please include how you feel that this program would support the work you're doing at Notre Dame, serve your individual goals to develop intercultural competence, and any other information you feel is relevant to include.