Advancing Language Proficiency and Cultural Awareness

Our Mission

The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures (CSLC) aims to support language learners at ND by facilitating meaningful experiences with linguistic acquisition and exchange - both in our campus community and abroad. We believe that access to the world's languages and cultures allows us to seek out new perspectives, to value the diversity of the world's cultures, and to embody global citizenship.

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge our presence in the traditional homelands of Native peoples including the Haudenosauneega, Miami, Peoria, all of the Bodéwadkmik / Potawatomi peoples, and particularly the Pokégnek Bodéwadmik / Pokagon Potawatomi, who have been using this land for education for thousands of years and continue to do so.

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Intercultural Development is at the CSLC

Intercultural competence/sensitivity or global competence is a set of life skills that can help us deepen and strengthen our interpersonal relationships, expand our worldviews, and perform at higher personal and professional levels in our ever-globalizing world. The CSLC offers the intercultural competence inventory, training, and more to help students, faculty and staff grow their awareness of intercultural communications. Learn more today!

Learn More About Intercultural Development