Hands on Technology: Master the Screencast with Screencastify


Location: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/99048018841?pwd=ZU96bjhtNnlVSTV0Uy9iNUlYbzJrZz09

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In this 30 minute workshop, participants will learn to record, edit and share videos using Screencastify.

Screencastify is a tool that allows the user to record a video of the browser or desktop with audio either user narration or computer system. It is a Chrome browser extension that will allow users to record their screen. The user can make a high-quality video to show what they are doing on the screen and simultaneously record an audio track or opt to utilize the computer system audio. This one-click tool can be used in many different methods, such as creating video tutorials, giving students feedback, recording presentations, or demonstrating skills.

Basic editing features like cut, crop and text will be demonstrated. Users will also learn about storing videos, converting to .mp4, and how to share videos with students. A simple step-by-step job aid will be provided for students to work independently after the session.


Presentation Slides