Grace Nyamwilahila Jackson

Tanzania, Swahili

Grace Nyamwilahila Jackson come to Notre Dame with 8 years of teaching experience. Previously, she taught English at Sahwa Public Secondary School in Mwanza, Tanzania to students between 14-18 years old. Grace has a Bachelor Degree of Arts in Education from St. Augustine University of Tanzania. She is the co-founder and Gender Advocate at Domicile of Success Organization (DOSO), a think tank that works to support education to the most underserved communities in Tanzania . Grace has been participating in various professional development programs offered by the US Embassy in Tanzania and also an active member of Tanzania English Language Teachers’ Association (TELTA). During her time with us at the University of Notre Dame; she expects to learn about teaching pedagogies, exploring American culture, history, digital literacy, volunteering, and American English.


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