Media Team

  • Justin Aguiar

    Graphic design, event photography, and video production

    Justin Aguiar

    Graphic design, event photography, and video production

    Class of 2026
    Majors: Marketing and Political Science

    Justin has been with the Media Team since his freshman year. He is passionate about media creation and production as well as interested in pursuing law in the future. Growing up bilingual in English and Spanish, he is passionate about showcasing different cultures and experiences. On the Media Team, he has enjoyed working on promotional materials for the Center, language showcase reels and videos, and other projects. 


  • Margaux Courtney

    Radio Show and TheWeek@ND submissions

    Margaux Courtney

    Radio Show and TheWeek@ND submissions

    Class of 2026
    Major: Economics

    Margaux has been with the Media Team since her freshman year. She is interested in photography as well as analyzing social media metrics, and hopes to go into finance or consulting in the future. Growing up in Miami, Florida, she is accustomed to being surrounded by a variety of languages and cultures, and loves promoting diverse events at Notre Dame.


  • Sofia Gomez

    Radio Show

    Sofia Gomez

    Radio Show

    Class of 2025
    Major: Sociology, Film, and Latino Studies
    Minor: Digital Marketing

    On campus, Sofia is involved in organizations that embrace her cultural upbringings as a first-generation low-income Latina student. Her interest in the CSLC Media Team came from her engaged learning in a third language, Portuguese, where she applied her language skills while studying abroad in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the 2023 summer. She hopes to apply her language learning in pursuing immigration law. In being part of the Media Team, she hopes to apply her cultural and social learning in social media content creation across various language departments at Notre Dame.

  • Lena Shadow

    Event photography and graphic design

    Lena Shadow

    Event photography and graphic design

    Class of 2024
    Major: Sociology
    Lena Shadow is a has been with the media team throughout her four years at Notre Dame. She has a passion for international development and women's empowerment, travelling abroad, immersing herself in new communities and cultures, and encouraging others to do the same. On the Media Team she's most enjoyed event photography, Foreign Language Week promotion, and social media content creation.
  • Luke Van de Walle

    Blog writing and graphic design

    Luke Van de Walle

    Blog writing and graphic design

    Class of 2024
    Majors: Political Science, International Development, and Data Science

    Luke's interest in the CSLC was sparked during a gap year in Paute, Ecuador. Luke has continued his global education through a non-profit consulting internship in Chiltiupán, El Salvador, and by returning to Ecuador to complete an SLA grant and research for his International Development Capstone. Initially joining the team as a news writer, he primarily focuses on producing annual FLTA spotlight articles. Additionally, he contributes to social media management and graphic design efforts. Through his contributions at the CSLC and his experiences abroad, Luke has developed a strong passion for enhancing intercultural awareness and education.